What Are the Benefits of a Portable Oxygen Concentrator?

If you have a breathing disorder that requires the use of supplemental oxygen, a portable oxygen concentrator can make it easier to cope with your condition.

There are many different kinds of portable concentrators, but each aims to provide you with the most convenient oxygen solution possible. Many patients have found portable devices to be a game-changer in their everyday lives.

Continue reading to learn more about the benefits that these machines offer.

What Is a Portable Oxygen Concentrator?

Similar to a larger machine that is designed for home use, a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) provides supplemental oxygen on the go. These units are typically much smaller and more convenient to use while traveling, running errands, walking around the park, or just moving from room to room around your house. Patients who are prescribed oxygen therapy include those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, COVID-19, and more.

Benefits of Portable Concentrators

The benefits of portable oxygen concentrators are innumerable. Here are a few of the most widespread advantages patients rave about:

  • Size and Weight - The average stationary concentrator weighs between 40 and 50 pounds. While these units hold many advantages of their own, mobility isn’t necessarily one of them. The average weight of a POC is about eight pounds, which makes it very convenient for travel.
  • Greater Independence - With a small, compact oxygen machine, respiratory patients can experience greater freedom and independence. Many people require the help of family members, friends, or healthcare professionals to refill and operate their stationary oxygen tanks. With a portable device, you can be entirely self-sufficient. All you need is access to an outlet to keep the batteries charged, and you’re good to go.
  • Better Health - The overall goal of respiratory therapy is to achieve better health through the use of supplemental oxygen. As you effortlessly use your POC, symptoms such as chest pain, wheezing, breathlessness, and coughing will decrease.
  • Easy to Use - Some concentrators have a myriad of wires, buttons, and switches that make them challenging to operate. Another benefit of POCs is that they are very straightforward. One rechargeable battery, a clean control panel, and a few simple buttons make these units a breeze to use.
  • More Simplified Routine - As a respiratory patient, your daily routine might feel a bit more taxing since your diagnosis. Portable concentrators aim to simplify your daily tasks. You won’t need to worry about refilling your tank each day or carrying extras while you’re on the go. A POC that matches your needs can make your oxygen therapy routine more convenient than ever.

Check out O2 Assist for the Best Portable Oxygen Concentrators

The many benefits of portable oxygen concentrators can help you elevate your quality of life. If you’re ready to make the switch, O2 Assist is proud to provide the latest technology to fit your unique needs. After consulting with your doctor, our clinical consultants will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan using our POCs. Even before you purchase your concentrator, you can quickly get in touch with us using our 24-hour online chat or contact us over the phone or via email.

Shop our extensive collection of oxygen concentrators that can be shipped throughout the United States today!