Who is the Ideal Candidate for Home Oxygen?

Home oxygen is a convenient way to maintain oxygen levels from the comfort of your house, and today, it is more accessible than ever.

Oxygen therapy has many benefits, including improved sleep and mood, prolonged life, increased alertness and stamina, and overall better quality of life. With oxygen therapy, your body and all its organs can properly function. Those who use supplemental oxygen can more easily complete everyday tasks and responsibilities. This type of therapy is only helpful for those who are not receiving enough oxygen naturally. One should only use oxygen therapy if their oxygen levels are dangerously low, as having too much oxygen can also be harmful.


When Should I Talk to My Doctor About Home Oxygen?

Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Experience severe and sudden shortness of breath
  • Experience shortness of breath when at rest
  • Have severe shortness of breath that worsens during exercise or physical activity
  • Wake suddenly with shortness of breath or a feeling of choking
  • Are at high altitude (above 8,000 feet or 2,400 meters) and experience severe shortness of breath with a cough, rapid heartbeat, and fluid retention, according to Medical News Today

If you are concerned that low oxygen levels are the cause of any of these symptoms, you can verify your oxygen level using a pulse oximeter at home. Pulse oximeters can be purchased online or at your local drugstore. However, they are not perfectly accurate. Your doctor can conduct an arterial blood gas or ABG test to verify these results if needed. For most healthy adults, your oxygen level should stay mostly between 95% and 100%. However, if you have specific health conditions, your normal range may be lower. Your doctor will inform you if this is the case.

Many medical conditions contribute to low oxygen levels. Common conditions that affect oxygen levels are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, pneumonia, asthma, anemia, and a collapsed lung. However, many other conditions could affect your body's ability to obtain oxygen.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should discuss with your doctor whether oxygen therapy is right for you. Some people require supplemental oxygen 24/7, and some only require oxygen occasionally or during certain times. Patients can get oxygen therapy at a doctor’s office, at home, or on the go with a portable system.

Some people use supplemental oxygen for a short time, whereas others will need to use it for the rest of their lives. If your specific condition improves and your blood oxygen levels return to normal ranges when oxygen therapy is not in use, you most likely do not need it anymore.


Additional Risk factors

If you choose to use home oxygen, you will need to be aware of the risks involved with having an oxygen tank in your home. The main risk is if you or anyone in your home smokes. You do not want anyone lighting a lighter, smoking, or holding an open flame of any kind near the oxygen tank. If this is a concern for you, discuss alternatives or creative solutions with your doctor.


O2 Assist Offers the Best Home Oxygen Therapy Solutions

If you are starting home oxygen therapy soon, you will need a high-quality concentrator. O2 Assist offers the best home oxygen concentrators on the market, and we are confident you will find the perfect fit. Please reach out to our team to learn more about our products.