How To Treat Chest Congestion

Chest congestion can get in the way of your daily activities, making you feel sluggish and fatigued. This occurs when there is a build-up of fluids and mucus in your lungs. You’ll know when you’re experiencing chest congestion because your chest will feel heavy and stiff. Mucus will be produced each time you cough, and it will be painful to take a deep breath. Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath are also common symptoms. 

Common colds and the flu are usually the reason why people develop chest congestion. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to fight chest congestion, and most of these are traditional home remedies.

Embrace Steam

Run hot water in your sink and cover your head and the faucet with a towel. Breathe in the steam. Warm steam helps the airways open up. While this tip is beneficial to most people, be careful if you have asthma because inhaling steam may constrict your airways. 

Plug in a Humidifier

Use a humidifier to get moisture into your home’s air, as this is an excellent remedy for chest congestion. The principle is simple: moisture helps loosen the mucus that’s trapped in your chest so that you can cough it up and out more easily. It’s crucial that you read your humidifier’s care manual, as you’ll need to clean your humidifier according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Basic maintenance for your humidifier will prevent your machine from becoming a breeding ground for mold and fungi. 

Drink Sufficient Liquids

Staying hydrated with enough water will help loosen mucus. Go for something soothing, such as a warm decaf tea. There’s even scientific evidence that backs up the classic recommendation to sip chicken noodle soup to ease chest congestion. Chicken noodle soup reduces inflammation, which in turn alleviates your chest. Stay away from coffee, alcohol, and caffeinated sodas when your chest is congested, as these drinks will dehydrate you. 

Add Some Honey

Another natural remedy for chest congestion is honey mixed with warm water and lemon. Honey has been proven to be more effective than dextromethorphan, an ingredient found in cough suppressants. Moreover, honey helps quell nighttime coughs. It also helps kids with upper respiratory tract infections improve their sleep. 

Sniff Essential Oils

Essential oils extracted from plants are another natural remedy for chest congestion. These oils have potent properties that can fight against several types of bacteria. Although bacterial infections are less common than viral infections, they can lead to severe chest congestion. Additionally, essential oils also help reduce inflammation and open up your airways, making it easier to breathe. Essential oils have historically been used for colds, bronchitis, and sinus infections. 

Unfortunately, sometimes, home remedies aren’t enough to alleviate chest congestion. Although chest congestion is a common symptom of the flu, it can be a sign of something bigger, such as bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, and there is no cure for it. 

If you suspect that you have bronchitis, go to your doctor immediately. Doctors typically prescribe oxygen therapy to patients with bronchitis, so you’ll need an oxygen concentrator. O2 Assist provides a broad selection of oxygen concentrators that will help you reclaim your life. Contact O2 Assist today to learn more about our oxygen generators.